Our mission is to empower Guinaudée, a rural community in Haiti, by improving their quality of life through providing nutrition, pure drinking water, decent housing, professional schooling, irrigation systems and other economic tools necessary to generate lasting and proper living conditions.


Your contribution to this project will help us to realize our goal and assist in the education of underprivileged children in this region.


Your contribution to this project will provide clean water for essential things such as bathing, drinking, and cooking.


A cafeteria will allow them to eat in a sterile environment while also allowing us to provide meals for those in need.


Imagine your child, or any child, having to use an outhouse or other means to alleviate themselves.

Importance of Education

We believe that education is the gateway to a meaningful and satisfying life. Yet, thousands of children of Guinaudée are deprived of such a powerful tool simply because their parents live in poverty or do not make enough to provide them with even the most basic form of education. Our organization has made it its mission to educate Guinaude’s juvenile population one child at a time. To that end, we provide the community with schools and other school related materials and we do these things in order to fulfill the mandate given to us by Jesus in that we ought to help the” least of these”. We endeavor to be as transparent and accountable as we endeavor to be helpful to the Guinaudee’s polulation.

Every Community Deserves a Chance to Strive for a BETTER Life!

Help Echo of Guinaudée to change their lives.